“Like mother, like daughter”, the play from Croatia to be played tonight at PITF2018

12 December 2018

Tonight, the play from Croatia “Like mother, like daughter” will be performed in the “Faruk Begolli” theater as part of the PITF2018 program. The show is directed by Jasmin Novljaković and played by Mia Krajcar and Mirta Zečević.

During today’s conference, the actresses spoke about the journey and their experience with this play up until its realization into the theater. While preparing for this theatrical play, the actresses have come across differing opinions since the subject matter is a very sensitive one.

Actress Mia Krajcar, who was also part of the first edition of Prishtina International Theater Festival, said during the conference that she expects this show to be welcomed by Kosovo’s audience just as Croatia’s first one was.

Meanwhile, actress Mirta Zecevic, explained how much she enjoyed being a part of this theater festival. She also added that she was surprised by how much AAB College has achieved in its time as an institution.

Last night during PITF2018, the show from Bullgaria “The Chicken” was played. There are 2 plays left before the end of this year’s PITF.

