Neuropsychiatrist Nexhmedin Shala delivers lecture for students of the Faculty of Psychology at AAB College

18 December 2023
Neuropsychiatrist Nexhmedin Shala holds a lecture for the students of the Faculty of Psychology at AAB College

At the request of the students, the well-known Kosovar neuropsychiatrist Nexhmedin Shala held a lecture for the students of the Faculty of Psychology at AAB College.

The topic of this lecture was “Personality disorders”, this mental health condition, which was discussed in detail by Shala, while there was also space for the students to ask their questions.

Shala presented statistics, definitions of notions related to this condition, while he said that there are different types of factors that influence its appearance, such as genetic, psychological, biosocial, psychobiological, etc.

He said that the topic of this lecture is of particular informative and professional importance. And its purpose is for the students of the Faculty of Psychology to receive basic information, to understand the clinical manifestation of personality and the types of personality divided into groups, to be able to diagnose personality disorder and to actively deal with the necessary procedures followed for diagnosis.
