The program of the United Nations Development (UNDP), in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MLSW), funded by the Agency for Investment and Enterprise Support in Kosovo (IESK), MLSW (Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare) of Kosovo, and UNDP, announces program Practice at Work (internship) to support newly unemployed graduates, in cooperation with companies from the private sector.
Practice at Work program (internship) is intended to give opportunity to unemployed jobseekers who have graduated within the past 12 months by higher education institutions, to follow a 2-month practice in private sector companies, in order to support training practice in work or sustainable employment in Kosovo. The program focuses on identifying companies that have the potential to provide long-term employment opportunities. In order to benefit from the program, unemployed candidates and employers should be registered in the nearest Office of Employment. Besides the support of the unemployed workers in finding opportunities to practice, Practice at Work Program facilitates the entire process of identification and matching jobseekers with the requirements of companies. Given the difficulties faced by private companies at finding and engaging skilled staff required for the expansion of their business activities, the Program of Practice at Work will engage the expertise of the Employment Offices to match each position of Practice at Work with appropriate jobseekers, in accordance with the needs and requirements set by the companies.
PRACTICAL WORK PROGRAMME is realized according to the following steps:
General conditions: Jobseekers and potential employers of this program should visit the nearest Office of the Employment, or register if they have not already done so.
Step one: Jobseekers and employers are informed about the program of Practice at Work and on the general requirements of the scheme. The jobseeker is advised by the employment counselor for the labor market according to jobseeker’s profile, and refers to the opportunities for practical work.
Step two: The work’s adviser identifies a company which provides suitable conditions for the performance of the relevant profession, according to jobseeker’s profiling during the consultation process.
Third step: companies that are interested to accept interns, three (3) candidates’ CVs according to the profile required by companies will be sent. After the confirmation by the company for acceptance of any of the candidates for practice, relevant councilors in office employment will consult / mediate the process. After the process of candidate selection, the agreement between the practitioner and company for Practice at Work is signed.
Eligible are:
Businesses that can demonstrate that they are interested in providing long-term employment to candidates, will have priority.
All interested companies must submit application in person or electronically to the office work the documents as followed:
APPLICANTS (graduates)
Eligible for practical work (internship) are persons who fulfill the following three conditions:
Ranking and selection of candidates will be done through GPA, starting with those with the highest GPA.
Priority will be given to:
Documents required for application for practical work program are:
All interested persons should register at the Employment Offices in their respective municipalities. Cases of conflicts of interest with stakeholders and decision-makers of Practice at Work are not qualified to benefit from the program.
The cost of practice for interns will be covered by the program. Payments are made directly to the intern by bank transfer. Payments are made on a monthly basis in the amount of 100 euros (NET) per month. Candidates who complete the two-month practice will receive a certificate for completing the practice.
Date of application: 14 to 31 October 2016, starting at 9:00 to 16:00, at the nearest office employment.
For more information download the brochure here.