It was published the book with scientific works of the International Conference on the topic: “Linguistics, Literature and Culture”

12 January 2017

The book with works of International Conference on the topic “Linguistics, Literature and Culture” with ISBN and with edition of AAB College, the Faculty of English Language.

In this volume of 450 pages, you can read about 45 scientific papers and findings presented at the conference by researchers from the region and beyond in the field of linguistics, literature, teaching methodology of English language, translation studies, cultural interpretation, etc ..

International Conference “Linguistics, Literature and Culture”, organized on the occasion of 400 anniversary of the death of Shakespeare (William Shakespeare), the Faculty of English Language AAB College, in partnership with the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the University of Tirana (UT), University “Aleksander Moisiu”, Durres (AMU), Faculty of English language and Literature at the University of South East Europe (SEE University), English language Teachers Association (ELTA), and Kosovo English Teachers Network (Ketnet), Embassy of the United States in Kosovo, etc.

This publication can be obtained at the library and bookstore of AAB College, and also you can browse it at the official website AAB College.

