The students of AAB, Ngadhnjim and Dren continue their Master studies in USA

6 June 2016

Ngadhnjim Halilaj and Dren Puka, who have finished their Bachelor studies for Management and Computing in the Faculty of Economics of AAB, have begun their Master studies for this academic year in USA, thanks to the full scholarship received from the WorldLearning organization in cooperation with USAID and the Ministry of Education Science and Technology, in the Transformational Leadership Program- Scholarships and Partnerships (TLP- SP) program.

Ngadhnjim is continuing these studies in Northern Illinois University, in Illinois of Chicago, in the Faculty of Business in the Management and Computing Systems department. Ngadhnjim feels too pleased that his long time dream has come true for continuing studies abroad. “To continue my studies cross- country has been my wish since I have finished the Bachelor studies, so this opportunity that has been offered to me is in a way the realization of one of my wishes and purposes in life’’, says Ngadhnjim.

As Ngadhnjim so as Dren, in an interview for “THE STUDENT”newspaper, confess their experiences of studying in AAB, who feel too pleased to have been a part of the largest private institution in country and region, for the gained knowledge, as well both of them say that their purposes after finishing their studies in USA are to go back to Kosovo and to give their utmost and professional contribution for the country’s progress. 

After graduating in AAB, Ngadhnjim, has been employed in the non-governmental organization Democracy for Progress (D4D), meanwhile Dren in Kosovan Foundation for Civil Society (KFCS), Officer of the civil society progress program.
