“Teaching and Learning Theories and Strategies – The Constructivist Approach”, a book that will serve the reader at a critical time for teaching

9 November 2019

AAB Publishing House promoted the newest university book, ” Teaching and Learning Theories and Strategies – The Constructivist Approach”, by author Xhavit Rexhaj.

In his address, the rector of AAB College, Lulzim Tafa, said that the main purpose of this book is to assist teachers in performing their work more qualitatively through familiarization with the main learning theories and also the constructive theory.

“This book is important for many reasons. It touches on the problems of the contemporary teacher and compares them to those that came before. The book provides information on the constructive approach. Also, the book offers opportunities for use up to the university level. All readers of the book are important, but those of this book are especially so because they are teachers.” said Rector Tafa, while congratulating the author. 

Blerim Saqipi, reviewer of this book, said there are three points that characterize this book: “I think there are three points that characterize a good book. First, how dedicated the author is to their work, second the quality of the topic and what is dealt with, and lastly, the contextualization and publication. Professor Rexhaj, has taken a different approach, going beyond conventional requirements and addressed issues by engaging in research in Kosovo and the US. The book goes further by addressing the complications of constructivism. This is of particular importance because the author links the best practices in the world with those in the US. This book serves the reader at a critical time for teacher professionalism” Saqipi emphasized.

Another reviewer, present at this promotion, Selim Mehmeti, provided some more information regarding this book.  He said that the book is divided into five parts. “The book is not divided into chapters and numbers, rather it is divided into five parts. The book starts with a special introduction and ends with a message saying that there are no bad students, only irrelevant and boring teaching. The information provided by this book can be used by teachers of all levels and university students as well. This book shows what schools in Kosovo lack. The last message of the book is pedagogical advisory. Also, its Bibliography is another thing that characterizes this book” he said.

On the topic of this book and its author, Albanian professor Nikoleta Mita, who mentored Rexhaj during the doctoral process also said a few words: “I have mentored many doctorates, but Xhavit was one of the best. His was a dignified scientific work, and today we have the product of that work in the form of a book that will be useful for both the pedagogical library and teacher training because through it they will develop their knowledge and skills.”

Author, Xhavit Rexhaj, expressed gratitude to all those who helped with this book, and emphasized that he learned a lot in the process of its development where hundreds of schools and their principals were visited.
