The 4th International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Education brings around 60 scholars from Europe and the region to AAB College

11 September 2019

Organized by the Faculty of English and the Faculty of Social Sciences of AAB College, on September 7, 2019, the fourth Scientific Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Education will be organized in partnership with “Pedagogical University of Cracow”, Poland, Alexander Moisiu University, Durres, Albania, and “St. Kliment Ohridski ”Bitola, North Macedonia.

This conference will serve as a bridge between researchers from around the world to share their findings and their experiences of using the most up-to-date research methods in their respective fields. More than 60 researchers from the region and around the world will present their research in the disciplines of linguistics, literature, albanology, teaching methodology, etc.

A novelty of this year’s conference is the collaboration of AAB College professors with former MASTER students of this college. A significant number of them will present joint projects, with alumni being first authors and professors as second authors.

The opening ceremony of the conference will be held on Saturday, September 07, 2019, starting at 10.30am.
