Visitors Show Great Interest In The Aab Publishing House Stand At The 20th Book Fair

7 June 2018

The third day of the 20th Book Fair in Prishtina continues to bring a large number of visitors as well as promotions of various books.

In this year’s edition, AAB Publishing House is participating with more than 100 book titles of various fields, most of which are university books.

Visitors’ interest in AAB publications has been quite high since the opening of this fair, says the representative of AAB Publishing House, Urim Sallauka.

“We’ve had a large number of visitors to the AAB stand, most of whom are students, professors and various researchers. Book sales so far have been so great that it has even exceeded our forecasts. This was made possible because the books we sell cannot be easily found translated in Albanian.” said Sallauka.

He said that many library institutions, not only from Kosovo but also from Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro, have been very interested in AAB publications.

It is worth mentioning that the stand of AAB Publishing House at the 20th Book Fair in Prishtina clearly shows that in addition to special academic titles, is also very well designed and catching to eye.

The 20th Book Fair in Prishtina will continue to be open to visitors until Sunday, June 10, 2018.
