With motivation on success, no one can be stopped, student Lejdina Franca proves this best

15 November 2023
The motive for success cannot stop anyone, student Lejdina Franca proves this best

Lejdina Franca, second-year student at the Faculty of Computer Sciences, is an example of motivation, will and commitment for all her peers.

Lejdina mirrored AAB College as a place where the dreams she works for every day, come true and she feels equal to everyone else, thanks to the space that has been created for her as a student.

“The infrastructure of the college offers sufficient comfort and allows me to move freely to every corner of the facility and this serves the regular to the well-going process of all learning activities. AAB staff is always supportive and this shows high professionalism as it makes my journey more beautiful. Therefore, my recommendation for students, especially with disabilities, is to choose AAB to personally experience the beginning of a journey that is as beautiful as it is motivating”, said Lejdina.

AAB College treats all students equally while the infrastructure matches the specific needs of each of them, all this to create the most ideal environment to complete the academic journey.
