Founded by the European Union
The aim of this project is to establish a learning module where the European business laws, regulations and standards are contextualized from the vantage point of academic scholarship on the one hand, and on the other, can serve as transformative knowledge for enabling a future of increased economic cooperation between local businesses in Kosovo and European costumers. The module is relevant and will be included within the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Law and their relevant study programs, while at least 60 students will attend the module each year. The module will be taught for two semesters in two parallel groups, each receiving a total of 60h per year.
Lectures will cover topics related to the fundamental policies for understanding business activity in the European level, competing in Europe and using the benefits of European Union market regulations from non-European countries. The research, on the other hand, will involve the work of students and professors to develop: a) desk research to analyze how EU policies influence business making in the local context and b) field research on how the compliance with the EU business laws and regulations might impact the business performance.
Moreover, the module foresees the publishing of a specific manual, that provides direct inputs for the industry in Kosovo, in regard to the European business laws and regulations and offers practical guides on how they can interact in the European level. The Manual aims at exploiting the results of this module, and provides useful insights for the local industry on how to comply to the European business laws and regulation, how to improve business linkages between Kosovo firms and international buyers, how to strengthen the competitiveness of the industry and promote a resilient and self-sustained market system.