Avni Alidemaj, AAB College teaching staff, has completed two study programs within Ohio Northern University in USA, supported by the State Department scholarship

15 June 2017

Avni Alidemaj, a graduate from AAB College, now a lecturer in the Law Faculty of the same institution, has successfully completed two study programs supported by the State Department scholarship in Ohio Northern University, attending one year program of advanced studies in Democratic Governance and Rule of Law and Legal Pedagogy – as a new study program in USA.

Mr. Alidemaj stated that while studying, in these two programs on the same time, has achieved top results and consequently received two highest awards given by American Universities: The award for the best LL.M. thesis and the award of Outstanding LL.M. International Student, scoring the highest average grade.  “Considering the top results, the Head of the University Board has assigned me to deliver the spoken benediction at the end of the graduation ceremony, which is a great honor for a graduate”, stated Mr. Alidemaj.

Furthermore, Mr. Alidemaj concluded that now as a lecturer within AAB College, will have the opportunity to further transmit the gained experience and comprehensive knowledge of US Universities.

