
The Faculty of Psychology has the primary aim of developing higher education in the field of psychology through which the aim is to raise the quality of people and social groups’ life. In this program, students will acquire specialized and up-to-date knowledge on psychological scientific foundations. On the other hand, the development of career skills is noted and present at each stage of the study. As a result, this degree of psychology studies puts students in a position for many jobs in the public and private sector, both within and outside the sphere of professional psychology.


Naim Telaku


Naim Telaku obtained his doctorate degree from the Medical University of Vienna in clinical Psychology in 2018. He holds a MSc. in Neurocognitive Psychology from LMU, Munich while having finished his basic studies in Political Science and Psychology in Pristina.
Currently, he holds the position of dean of the faculty of Psychology at AAB College. Prior to that, he has temporarily filled the positions of president of Kosovo Psychologists Association, head of the licensing committee for professional psychologists within the Ministry of Education. He has also co-founded a psychological clinical practice, wherein he still sees patients on a daily basis since 2013. His teaching experience mostly relies on the fields of clinical psychology and neuroscience, while his research interests intertwine with the philosophy of neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, and other natural sciences, wherein he has published two individual books, Ouroboros (2015) and Placenta (2017).



Arlinda Gashi



Aida Thaqi

Koordinatore për Cilësi