PhD. Candidat

Elisa Nikolla

Koordinator për Mësimdhënie

She was born in Lezhë, Albania. She completed her basic studies in the field of British and American cultural studies at the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” in 2008. She then completed her master’s studies at the Philological University of Tirana for “Intercultural Communication-Tourism and Linguistics” in 2010.

She is currently continuing his doctoral studies in Sofia, Bulgaria at the NBU University, Department of Design, with the thesis “Visual Culture, Visual Communication and Digital Culture as interdisciplinary fields from tradition to innovation”.

Elisa Nikolla has joined AAB College since 2013 as a lecturer in the Faculty of Arts.

She has been a coordinator in many cultural projects in various organizations such as CAAP, Terres des Hommes, World Vision, H.A.N.A as well as for several years as a collaborator of the “FLATRA” magazine dedicated only to art and lifestyle.

Elisa Nikolla has served as an external advisor to the Book and Projects Sector, in the Management Directorate of Centers for Openness and Dialogue(COD) in the period December 2021 – December 2022, Tirana.

She holds the position of Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts in the AAB College from 2020 onwards.

She has made a series of study visits to Italy, Greece, Germany, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, Estonia and Macedonia, while she has participated in various cultural-artistic exhibitions and colonies with AAB College students both abroad and within the country.

International personal exhibition:
2020-Fort Worth Community Art Center, Texas, USA

National exhibition:
Prishtina Map 21/Station-Center for Contemporary Art

Teaches subjects:

English language 1
English language 2
Professional Architectural Terminology