Prof. asoc. Dr.

Shemsedin Vehapi

Prof. dr. ass. Shemsedin Vehapi, u lind më 1972 në Lipjan. Studimet themelore, të magjistraturës dhe të doktoratës i ka përfunduar në Fakultetin e Edukimit Fizik në Universitetin e Prishtinës “Hasan Prishtina”, me temë “Relacionet e forcës maksimale me aftësitë tjera lëvizore ”.

Ka marrë pjesë në disa konferenca shkencore dhe ka prezantuar dhe botuar disa artikuj shkencorë në revista kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare.


  • Hasim Rushiti, Shemsedin Vehapi (2009). Determination of Some Motoric Abilities Based on Anthropometric Characteristics of Male Students Aged 17”.,,SPORT EKSPERT”.Journal Of Applied Physical Education And Sport. Vol. 2. Sarajevo
  • Shemsedin Vehapi, Hasim Rushiti, Hazir Salihu, Ilir Gllareva (2009). The impact of the anthropometric variables in the manifestation of motoric abilities on male students at the age of 17”. Thesis Kosova, no. 1. Prishtina.
  • Shemsedin Vehapi, Hazir Salihu, Vullnet Ahmeti, Valbona Zeqiri-Rexhepi (2009). Reasons for Violence in Kosova Sport. ,,THESIS KOSOVA”. No. 2.Prishtina
  • Bylbyl Sokoli,Fatmir Pireva, Shemsedin Vehapi (2012).Eficyency of the Ball Passes in the Finale Soccer Match in the European Championship Euro 2008. ,,SPORT MONT”. Scientific journal . No. 25,26,27. Monte Negro. ISSN 1451-7485…/SM_25-26-27.pdf
  • ShemsedinVehapi, BranimirMikic, Fatimir Pireva, Blagoja Risteski, IsmetBašinac(2014). Efects of motivating factors, Self-Esteem and Valuing of School, in Physicla Education Achievement.,,SPORT SCIENCE”. International Scientific Journal of Kinesiology Vol. 7, Issue 1. Travnik
  • Ardita Pireva, Shemsedin Vehapi, Fatmir Pireva(2013).Influence of the Relevant Socio-Psichological Factors in the Final Success in the Subject of Physical Education.,, SPORTSKI LLOGOS” Interational Scientific Paper. Mostar.
  • Anita Zenuni Shemsedin Vehapi (2013).Adaptive Cognitive Dimension and Maladaptive Behavioral Dimension as Motivating Factors in School Achievement. ,,THESIS”. No.1. Prishtina.
  • Shemsedin Vehapi, Ardita Pireva, Fatmir Pireva (2013). Differences Between Students 12 Year Old in Parameters of Fat Mass, Explosive Strenght And Speed. ,,SPORTSKI LOGOS”. Interational Scientific Paper. Mostar. ISSN 1512-875X (Print) ISSN 2233-0852 (Online)
  • Fatmir Pireva, Ardita Pireva, Shemsedin Vehapi (2013).Factor Structure and Relations ff Flexibility Dimension at Male Students Fourteen Years Old. ,,SPORTSKI LOGOS”. Interational Scientific Paper.. Mostar. ISSN 1512-875X (Print) ISSN 2233-0852 (Online)
  • Shemsedin Vehapi Anita Zenuni(2014).The effect of Planing, Time management, Learning and Tenacity on Students Scholl achievement. ,,PHILOSOPHICA”. International Journal of Social and Human Sciences. Vol. 1. No.1-2. Pp. 1-276. Tetova. ISSN 1875-8454(Print)
  • Besim Halilaj, Ilir Gllareva, Shemsedin Vehapi (2014).Repetitive Strength Among Students of Age 14. ,,SPORT MONT”. Journal for sport,physical education and health. Montenegro. ISSN 1451-7485
  • Shemsedin Vehapi, Fatmir Pireva, Besim Gashi, Branimir Mikić, Almir Arnautović(2014).Differences In Body Mass, Body Height And Eplosive, Repetitive And Static Strength Between 16-Year-Old Males And Females.,,SPORT SCIENCE”,Vol. 7, Issue 2. Print ISSN 1840-3662, Web ISSN 1840-3670

Ligjëron lëndët:

Metodikë e edukimit fizik
Të mësuarit dhe kontrolli motor